After four months of work, the Apache Hop community is pleased to announce the general availability of Apache Hop 1.1.0.
A huge thank you to everyone who made this possible.

hop 11


or download Hop 1.1.0 right away.

Known Issue

There is a known issue where text is displayed as white on a white background in Windows. Enable the 'Use look of OS' option in Options → Look & Feel to avoid this.

Use Look of OS

Hop Server

  • Hop Server can now be started with SSL (https) enabled.

  • Asynchronous web services can be used to execute long-running workflows. Instead of results, this webservice returns a unique ID that can be used to query the server for that workflow or pipeline’s status.

  • Hop Server can now be started with projects and environments as parameters.


  • the project and environment name are now optional

  • project and environment are now supported in long-lived container

  • logging options can now be set in the long-lived container (max_log_lines, max_log_timeout_minutes, object_timeout_minutes).

  • the short-lived container now returns the correct exit code for the executed hop-run command.

Apache Beam updates and improvements

Hop 1.1.0 comes with new and updated Apache Beam libraries.

  • upgraded versions: Apache Beam in Hop was upgraded to 2.35.0, with support for Apache Spark 3.1.2 and Flink 1.13.5.

  • Beam on Google Cloud Dataflow now supports service accounts.

  • Beam on Google Cloud Dataflow now support DataflowServiceOptions which pass various options through if they’re not available in the GUI

New and updated plugins

  • the Hop Server Status transform retrieves a lot of server and operating system metrics from one of your Hop Servers.

  • the Apache Tika transform parses files in all sorts of formats and extracts the text content as well as available metadata it can extract.

  • the Metadata Input gives you access to the Hop Metadata items in the current project. It outputs all the metadata objects of all types unless one or more types are filtered.

  • the Neo4j Graph Output transform now supports

    • models with multiple relationships between two nodes

    • models with multiple node labels

    • models with self-relationships

Apache Tika transform

Hop - Neo4j Graph Output

Hop Gui improvements

Hop GUI continues to evolve. Hop 1.1.0 contains a lot of minor improvements that together significantly improve the Hop user experience.

  • large pipelines and workflows: sometimes there is no way around building or working with large workflows and pipelines (even though that is against best practices). Hop Gui now lets you scroll through large workflows and pipelines correctly. The additional SCROLL-drag gesture makes navigating large workflows and pipelines in Hop GUI even easier.

  • File Explorer Perspective:

    • files and folders are now loaded lazily, reducing the need to wait for refreshes or a "hanging" Hop Gui.

    • any text file type can now be edited in the File Explorer perspective (this was only possible for CSV and JSON in Hop 1.0).

    • users now get a warning when trying to open large files


  • Log4j removal: Hop never actively used Log4j but included Log4j libraries for developer convenience. These libraries have been removed in 1.1.0.

  • Kafka consumer transform improvements: improved error handling, logging from sub-pipelines is now passed to parent pipeline.

  • search in the context (popup) dialog is now keyword-aware. This works with internationalization, so searching for keywords in your own language (if available in Hop) also works.

  • CockroachDB is now a supported database type

  • documentation continues to grow in depth and in breadth. Hop 1.1.0 contains almost 500 individual documentation pages.

  • English, French and Italian have complete translations. The other supported languages have been moved to beta. Check the translation contribution guide if you want to help to translate Hop to your own language.


The Hop community continued to grow significantly since the 1.0 release:

  • chat: 264 registered members (Hop 1.0: 210) join

  • LinkedIn: 758 followers (Hop 1.0: 545) follow

  • Twitter: 606 followers (Hop 1.0: 476) follow

  • YouTube: 399 subscribers (Hop 1.0: 232) subscribe

  • 3Hx Meetup: 216 members (Hop 1.0: 167) join

Without community contribution, Hop is just a coding club! Please feel free to join, participate in the discussion, test, file bug tickets on the software or documentation, …​ Contributing is a lot more than writing code.

Check out our contribution guides and Code of Conduct to find out more.


Hop 1.1.0 contains work on 235 tickets:

  • Resolved: 219

  • Closed: 16

Check the Hop JIRA for a full overview of all tickets.

Download Hop 1.1.0