Roundup July, August 2020

We released 0.30 in late July, followed by a couple of weeks of slower progress because of summer holidays, but here we are with a roundup for July and August. After all the heavy lifting we did in the first half of the year, Project Hop now entered a feature-freeze phase. The focus now is on bug fixing, documentation and hardening the platform. Minor new features may continue to appear, just don’t expect any spectacular new functionality for now.

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Roundup June 2020

Another month has passed, so here we are with a new roundup! A lot of work has been done in the last couple of weeks. A huge thanks to Matt, who implemented most of the functionality that was added this month. Here’s what happened in June! Environments → Projects, Environments and Purposes The environments system, introduced earlier this year, was significantly extended. a project is a set of workflows and pipelines with their datasets, tests etc.

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Roundup May 2020

Another month has passed, so here we are with a new roundup! In early May, we released version 0.21. Check the release announcement here We would like to thank everyone who tested 0.21 and created feature requests and bug tickets. Fixing the bugs and implementing the feature requests will keep us busy for another couple of weeks. Apart from the topics discussed below, we have continued to walk the path of major code cleanup and refactoring.

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