Beam Kinesis Consume Icon Beam Kinesis Consume


The Beam Kinesis Consume transform consumes (reads) messages from an Amazon Kinesis stream using the Beam pipeline execution engine.

Supported Engines

Hop Engine

Not Supported








The main limitation of the Kinesis consumer is that it currently only supports reading String messages. Please create a request in JIRA if you want to see support for Avro messages and other formats.


Option Description

Transform name

Name of the transform, this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.

AWS access key

The Amazon Web Services access key to authenticate with.

AWS secret key

The Amazon Web Services secret key to authenticate with.

Stream name

The name of the Kinesis stream to consume from.

The name of the unique ID output field

This is the name of the field in the output of the transform which will contain a unique ID for the data (message) received.

The name of the data output field

This is the name of the field that will contain the actual data (message)

The type of data retrieved

Only String data (messages) are supported for now.

Partition key field name

Optional: the name of the field in the output which will contain the partition key

Sequence number field name

Optional: the name of the field in the output which will contain the sequence number of the message

Sub-sequence number field name

Optional: the name of the field in the output which will contain the sub-sequence number of the message

Shard ID field name

Optional: the name of the field in the output which will contain the Shard ID of the message

Stream name field name

Optional: the name of the field in the output which will contain the name of the stream being read

Maximum number of records

Optional: the maximum number of records this transform will read before stopping

Maximum read time (ms)

Optional: the maximum time in ms this transform will read before stopping

Request record limit

Optional: the number of records which will be read at once in every request (micro-batch)

Arrival time watermark policy?

Watermark messages at the time of arrival in the Beam pipeline.

Arrival watermark idle time (ms)

Denotes the duration for which the watermark can be idle

Processing time watermark?

Watermark message at the time of processing in the Beam pipeline.

Fixed delay rate limit policy?

Specifies a fixed delay rate limit policy with the default delay of 1s

Fixed delay rate limit policy delay (ms)

Specifies a fixed delay rate limit policy with the given delay.

Maximum capacity per shard

Specifies the maximum number of messages per one shard.