Checking a Release

After the release manager creates a release as described in Creating a Release the voting process starts. This guide will contain some steps you can take to validate a release candidate and base your vote on. Each member will have his own way to check some parts of a release. There is no general rule on how to check a release, there is only a list on what has to be checked this list can be found in the official release documentation.

Possible checks that can be followed (Linux)

Start by grabbing the artifacts mentioned in the vote mail. Either use the link provided in the mail or grab them here.

In these examples a folder to check everything in was created in /tmp and the artifacts are already in place.

mkdir /tmp/release_check
cd /tmp/release_check

First check would be to see if the keys and hashes are in order

# check the sha512

sha512sum -c apache-hop-X.XX-src.tar.gz.sha512
sha512sum -c

# should echo the artifact name and OK

# check the gpg signature

gpg --verify apache-hop-X.XX-src.tar.gz.asc
gpg --verify

# if it prints out gpg: Can't check signature: No public key fetch the key from public keyserver
# 1. Check if the keyid matches a known key in the KEYS file
# 2. grab the key from the public keyserver found in the release mail

gpg --keyserver <KEY SERVER>  --receive-keys <KEY ID>

# verify the package again

gpg --verify apache-hop-X.XX-src.tar.gz.asc
gpg --verify

# output should be:
# gpg: Good signature from "Owner Name <>" [ultimate]

If these steps pass we can start checking the content of the release. First step would be to download the matching source code from github.

# replace branch with the branch name mentioned in the release mail

git clone --depth 1 --branch X.XX-rcX source_version

# check if the git commit matches the commit mentioned in the release mail

cd source_version
git rev-parse --short HEAD

# remove the .git folder

rm -rf .git
cd ..

final step is to see if the content of the source repository matches the content of the downloaded archive.

# unpack the downloaded source code

tar -xvf apache-hop-X.XX-src.tar.gz

# do a diff to see if they match

diff -qr source_version apache-hop-X.XX

# this should show no output indicating that all files match
# the folder containing the source code can now be removed

rm -rf source_version

Check if the unpacked archive contains following files and if they are correct


    • check if mentioned licenses are available in the licenses folder



    • check for build instructions

Validate if all files contain the correct headers

cd apache-hop-X.XX
mvn apache-rat:check -debug

Now build and test the released code

# run maven clean install (you can add -T 4 to build multi threaded)

mvn clean install

# switch to the finished artifact, extract and test
cd assemblies/client/target
unzip hop-client-*.zip
cd hop

Extra checks

You can also check for unwanted binary files on the checked out tag (note: this requires the .git folder to still be present)

git ls-files -z | xargs -0 file -b | sort | uniq -c