Load file content in memory
File Tab
Option | Description |
Filename is defined in a field | Takes a filename from a field |
get filename from a field | A field containing the filename |
File or directory | The file or directory path to be added |
Add | Adds the file or directory to the selected files |
Browse | Uses the local file browser to select a path |
Regular Expression | Allows files to be included based on a regular expression |
Exclude Regular Expression | Allows files to be excluded based on a regular expression |
Selected files | The selected files to load into memory |
Show filename(s) | Previews the selected files |
Content Tab
Option | Description |
Encoding | The file encoding (UTF, ISO, …) |
Ignore empty file | Ignores empty files |
Ignore missing path | Ignores missing paths |
Limit | Limit the rows loaded from the file |
Include filename in output? | Allows the filename to be included in the output |
Filename fieldname | Field containing the filename |
Rownum in output? | Allows the row number to be included in the output |
Rownum filename | Field containing the row number |
Add files to result filesname | Add files to resulting files name |
Fields Tab
The fields to load from the file.
Option | Description |
Name | The name of the imported field. |
Element | File content or size |
Type | The data type for this field |
Format | The format mask |
Length | The field length |
Precision | The precision option depends on the field type, but only Number is supported; it returns the number of floating point digits |
Currency | Symbol used to represent currencies |
Decimal | A decimal point; this is either a dot or a comma |
Group | A method of separating units of thousands in numbers of four digits or larger. This is either a dot or a comma. |
Trim type | Type of trim: none, left, right, both |
Repeat | Enter ‘Y’ if you want to reuse the value from the last non-empty row when the corresponding value in this row is empty. Enter ‘N’ to leave the row empty. |
Get fields | Retrieve available fields based on the file contents |
Additional output Tab
Option | Description |
Short filename field | The field name that contains the filename without path information but with an extension. |
Extension field | The field name that contains the extension of the filename. |
Path field | The field name that contains the path in operating system format. |
Is hidden field | The field name that contains if the file is hidden or not (boolean). |
Last modification field | The field name that contains the last modification. |
Uri field | The field name that contains the URI. |
Root uri field | The field name that contains only the root part of the URI. |