Beam Kafka Consume
The Beam Kafka Consume transform consumes records from a Kafka cluster using the Beam execution engine.
Option | Description |
Transform name | Name of the transform, this name has to be unique in a single pipeline. |
Bootstrap servers | A comma separated list of hosts which are Kafka brokers in a "bootstrap" Kafka cluster. |
Topics to consume | A comma separated list of topics to consume. |
Group ID | Specifies the ID of a consumer group a Kafka consumer belongs to. |
The name of the key output field | The result key field. |
The name of the message output field | The result message field. |
Use processing time | The time when the record is processed by Beam. |
Use log append time | The time when the record is appended by the broker. |
Use create time | The time when the producer record is created. |
Restrict read to committed messages | Restricts reading to committed records only. |
Allow offsets to be committed back | Allows committing offsets as to mark an offset as consumed. |
Configuration options | A list of configuration parameters. |
Parameter | A configuration parameter. |
Value | The parameter value. |
Type | The value data type. |