Google Analytics Input transform Icon Google Analytics Input


The Google Analytics Input transform reads data from a Google Analytics 4 account, using the Google Analytics Data API.

The GA4 Query Explorer provides a dedicated website to developing and testing queries with the Google Analytics API (outside of Apache Hop).

Supported Engines

Hop Engine



Maybe Supported


Maybe Supported


Maybe Supported


  • You need a Google Analytics account with access and sufficient permissions to a GA4 property.

  • You need a Google Cloud project with a service account. The Google Analytics api needs to be enabled for this project.

Check the Google Cloud docs for more information on how the create a service account and to set up a project for use with the Google Analytics Data API.


Google Analytics Connection Settings

Option Description

Application name

Enter an application name such as "Apache Hop" or leave the default.

OAuth service email

Your Google Developer Service Account’s Email Address (e.g. "<random>").

Key file

The path to the P12 private key associated with your OAuth Service account.

Property Id

the GA4 property to read from

Query Definition

Option Description

Start date (YYYY-MM-DD

Specifies the start date associated with the query. The date must be entered in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD.

End date (YYYY-MM-DD

Specifies the end date associated with the query. The date must be entered in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD.


Specifies the dimension fields for which you want to query. The Google Analytics Data API documentation provides you with a list of valid inputs and metrics that can be combined.


Specifies the metrics fields you want returned. At least one metric must be provided.


Specifies a dimension field on which to sort.


Click Get Fields to retrieve a list of possible fields based on the query you defined. Click Preview to preview data based on the defined query.

Limit Size

Limit the number of rows to retrieve for the specified GA4 property to a number of rows. Set the limit size to 0 to fetch all available rows.