Copy Files


The Copy Files action copies one of more files or folders.

Files tab

Option Description

Action Name

Indicates the name of the action.

Source Environment

Indicates the file system or specific cluster on which the item you want to input can be found. Options are Local and <Static>.

  • Local: Specifies that the item specified in the File/Folder field is in a file system that is local to Hop.

  • <Static>: Specifies that the item specified in the File/Folder field should use the path name in that field, exactly. Use this if you already know a file path and you simply want to copy and paste it into the window.

Source File/Folder* *

The file or directory to copy from. If you choose an option other than <Static> in the Source Environment field, click the button in the field to view the Open File window.


Defines the files that are copied in regular expression terms (instead of static file names), for instance: .*\.txt would be any file with a .txt extension.

Destination Environment

Indicates the file system or specific cluster where you want the file to be placed. Options are Local and <Static>.

  • Local: Specifies that the item specified in the File/Folder field is in a file system that is local to Hop.

  • <Static>: Specifies that the item specified in the File/Folder field should use the path name in that field, exactly. Use this if you already know a file path and you simply want to copy and paste it into the window.

Destination File

Indicates the name of the destination environment. If you choose an option other than <Static> in the Destination Environment field, click the button in the field to view the Open File window.

Settings tab

Option Description Default

Include Subfolders

If selected, all subdirectories within the chosen directory will be copied as well


Destination is a file

Determines whether the destination is a file or a directory


Copy empty folders

If selected, will copy all directories, even if they are empty the Include Subfolders option must be selected for this option to be valid. (Wildcard MUST be blank for this to work)


Create destination folder

If selected, will create the specified destination directory if it does not currently exist


Replace existing files

If selected, duplicate files in the destination directory will be overwritten


Remove source files

If selected, removes the source files after copy (a move procedure)


Copy previous results to arguments

Copies the previous results to arguments.


Add files to result files name

Any files that are copied will appear as a result from this action; shows a list of files that were copied in this action
