Check if XML file is well-formed


The Check if XML file is well-formed action verifies if one or more files contain well-formed (allowed) XML content.


General tab

Option Description

Action name

The name of the workflow action.

Include Subfolders

Option to move the content of sub-folders.

Copy previous results to args

Check this to pass the results of the previous action into the arguments of this action.

File/Folder source

Enter or select (Browse button) a file or folder

Wildcard (RegExp)

A regular expression wildcard for the filename pattern


Specify the list of files or folders with wildcards (regular expressions) in this grid. You can add a different source/destination on each line.

You can use the Add button to add a line to the Files/Folders list.

Advanced tab

In this tab you can specify the files and/or folders to move.

Option Description

Success On

Success on

Allows you to set specific success conditions: Success if all files are well formed, Success if at least x files are well formed, or Success when number of bad formed files less than.

Result files name

Specify which kind of filenames to add to the internal result file names: all filenames, only well formed filenames, or only bad filenames.

Result file names

Add filename

Add the checked XML filenames to the workflow action result. The available options are:

  • Add all filenames

  • Add only well-formed filenames

  • Add only bad-formed filenames