Read data (key Read data (key, value) from properties files


The Property Input transform reads key/values pairs from a Java properties files.

More information on this file format is available on Wikipedia

Supported Engines

Hop Engine



Maybe Supported


Maybe Supported


Maybe Supported


Files Tab

Option Description

Transform name

Name of the transform. This name has to be unique in a single pipeline.

Filename is defined in a field?

The file name to read is available in a field in the input stream.

Get filename from field

Specify the field to read the file name from.

File or directory

Specifies the location and/or name of the input text file.


Click to add the file/directory/wildcard combination to the list of selected files (grid) below.


Click to select the file to load from a file browser.

Regular expression

Specifies the regular expression you want to use to select the files in the directory specified in the previous option.

Exclude Regular

Specifies a regular expression to exclude files from the specified directory.

Selected Files

Contains a list of selected files (or wildcard selections) and a property specifying if that file is required or not. If a file is required and it is not found, an error is generated, otherwise, the file name is skipped.


Click to remove the selected file or wildcard selection from the list.


Click to modiy the selected file or wildcard.

Show filenames(s)…​

Content Tab

Option Description

File Type

The file’s type. This should be "Properties file".


The character encoding used for the file.


If necessary, specify the section of the file to read.


Specify the maximum number of rows read from the file, or specify 0 for no limit.

Substitute variable for value

If the file was provided in a variable, resolve that variable to get the file name.

Include filename in output?

Allows you to specify a field name to include the file name in the output of this transform.

Rownum in output

Allows you to specify a field name to include the row number (Integer) in the output of this transform.

Reset rownum per file?

Enable to reset the generated row number to 1 at the start of every individual file. Otherwise, the rownum counts all rows in all files.

Include section name in output?

Allows you specify a field name to include the section namemin the output of this transform.

Add filename to result?

Adds the names of the files read to the result of this pipeline. A unique list is kept in memory that can be used in the next workflow action in a workflow, for example in another pipeline.

Fields Tab

Option Description


The name of the output field


The attribute to read


The data type for the field. This might require conversion if the source file does not use the same type. The following options all apply to the result after conversion.


The format or conversion mask to use in the data type conversion


The maximum number of characters for the output data type, or -1 for no limit.


The number of decimal places used for displaying floating-point numbers.


The currency symbol to display for monetary value.


The decimal point symbol to use for numbers. Typically "." (10.5) or "," (10,5).


The thousands separator symbol to use for numbers. Typically "," (5,200,820) or "." (5.200.820).

Trim type

The trimming method used to remove blank spaces from string values. This can be left (removes leading spaces), right (removes trailing spaces), both, or none.


Repeat the column value of the previous row if the column value is empty (null)

Additional output fields Tab

Option Description

Short filename field

The field used to contain the filename, without the path.

Extension field

The field used to contain the file extension.

Path field

The field used to contain the file’s path.

Size field

The field used to contain the file size.

Is hidden field

The field used to contain whether the file is hidden.

Last modification field

The field used to contain the date the file was last modified.

Uri field

The field used to contain the full source URL for the file. This could be an http:// or file:// URL depending on the file’s source.

Root uri field

The field used to contain the root of the source URL for the file, including the protocol and top-level address.