
The SQL action executes one or more SQL scripts from this action’s configuration or from a file.

You can execute more than one SQL statement, as long as they are separated by semi-colons.

The SQL workflow action is flexible; you can perform procedure calls, create and analyze tables, and more.

Common uses associated with the SQL workflow action include truncating tables, drop index, partition loading, refreshing materialized views, disabling constraints, disabling statistics, and so on..


Option Description

Action name

The name of the workflow action.

Database Connection

The database connection to use.

SQL from file

Enable this option to load the SQL statement from a file given by the SQL filename

SQL filename

The filename for the file with SQL statements.

Send SQL as single statement?

Enable this option to not separate the statement by semicolons. This is often useful when a script is given or multiple statements should be processed and committed as one single statement.

Use variable substitution?

Enables variables to be used in the SQL Script.

SQL script

The SQL script to execute. Multiple statements can be separated by semicolons.